Business Proposal
Business Name : Crosshairs Gun Shop
Business Type : Firearms Retailer & Gunsmith
Store Type : Physical Store
Number of Products : 100
Launch Date : January 2019
Project Description
The project that we will do for database will be an inventory system that is used to store and sell guns to customers.
List of Tables
- Handguns (id, name, ammunition_id, price, quantity)
- Rifles (id, name, ammunition_id, price, quantity)
- Shotguns (id, name, ammunition_id, price, quantity)
- Ammunition (id, name, price, quantity)
- Optics (id, name, price, quantity)
- Transactions (transaction_id (UUID), employee_id, customer_id, product_id, quantity, price, total_price)
- Employees (id (UUID), name)
- Customers (id (UUID), name)
Group Members
- Asoka Wotulo – 2101693611
- Samuel Putra – 2101693630
Group Member Roles
- Asoka Wotulo – 2101693611
- Database Design & Creation
- Samuel Putra – 2101693630
- GUI Design & Creation