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Business Proposal


Business Name : Crosshairs Gun Shop

Business Type : Firearms Retailer & Gunsmith

Store Type : Physical Store

Number of Products : 100

Launch Date : January 2019

Project Description

The project that we will do for database will be an inventory system that is used to store and sell guns to customers.

List of Tables

  1. Handguns (id, name, ammunition_id, price, quantity)
  2. Rifles (id, name, ammunition_id, price, quantity)
  3. Shotguns (id, name, ammunition_id, price, quantity)
  4. Ammunition (id, name, price, quantity)
  5. Optics (id, name, price, quantity)
  6. Transactions (transaction_id (UUID), employee_id, customer_id, product_id, quantity, price, total_price)
  7. Employees (id (UUID), name)
  8. Customers (id (UUID), name)


Group Members

  1. Asoka Wotulo – 2101693611
  2. Samuel Putra – 2101693630


Group Member Roles

  1. Asoka Wotulo – 2101693611
    • Database Design & Creation
  2. Samuel Putra – 2101693630
    • GUI Design & Creation
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